Nature of Workplace Victimization against Female Garment Workers: A Study on the Ready-Made Garments of Bangladesh
Workplace victimisation has always been an issue of great concern in the world and also in the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh. According to the latest Export Promotion Bureau (EPL) statistics, Bangladesh is the 2nd largest RMG exporter country. However, it is a matter of fact that female garment workers, being the majority of the workforce, suffer from several forms of workplace victimisation regularly. This paper attempts to capture the overall scenario of the victimisation of female garment workers in the RMG sector in Bangladesh. Its main objective is to fill the gap in the existing literature on the current form of victimisation. All relevant issues regarding workplace victimisation of female garment workers have been analysed here using references from established journals, articles, newspapers, and associated websites of related foundations. This paper revealed that Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is the most common type of victimisation, where verbal abuse stands at the top and physical abuse is next to it. Besides these abuses, sexual harassment is the most heinous, followed by other forms of victimisation such as economic, psychological, etc. The aftereffects of this victimisation are very painful, as it leads to women’s disempowerment, which destroys their personal and familial lives. Ultimately, their contribution to the workforce is declining day by day, posing a great threat to the future of this sector. In short, having reached its peak, the RMG sector is still exploiting female garment workers, making them the worst sufferers of all in workplace victimisation.
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